
5 ways to support Kawartha Lakes Pregnancy Centre

1. Online through CanadaHelps:  See form below.

2. Credit Card or Debit: Call the centre at 705-878-8527 during business hours to make arrangements.

3. E-transfer: Email money directly from your bank account to the centre.

4. Cheque: Mail cheques to 241 Kent St. W, Lindsay, ON K9V 2Z3.

5. Become a Monthly ‘Bridge of Hope’ Donor: Monthly donations help the Centre to be able to plan for upcoming expenses. Currently 39% of our income comes through monthly donations. Monthly donations can be made through debit, e-Transfers, or credit cards. Call the centre at 705-878-8527 during business hours to make arrangements to become a monthly donor.

Tax receipts are issued for all eligible donations. Our charitable registration #893809293RR0001

The form below is securely hosted by Canada Helps, you can hover over the padlock for information or click to open the form at Canada Helps site in a new tab.

Material Goods

Material goods are accepted during regular hours.

We accept:

  • Diapers – Preemie to size six (our greatest need is larger sizes, 4-6)
  • Pull-ups
  • New  baby  clothing – especially newborn and size small
  • Baby food and formula

Gently used equipment 

We can no longer accept ‘used’ car seats, cribs, or play pens, because of warranties and folding mechanisms. Please consider donating these items  new in a box, for those who can not financially afford them. Thank you.

Call  the centre for more information on material donations